Kingsoft Office Suite Professional 2013 Preactivated adalah software yang fungsinya hampir sama dengan Ms Office, dimana Kingsoft Office Suite Professional 2013 Preactivated dapat membuka file document maupun presntasi, juga exel. Kingsoft Office Suite Professional 2013 Preactivated juga mempunyai tampilan yang elegan dan friendly sehingga mudah dimengerti.
New Feature
- New: Save documents as DOCX/DOTX/DOCM/DOTM
- New: Open XML documents.
- New: Show Bookmark view in Document Map
- New: Support inserting pictures from scanner
- New: Improve the compatibility with HTML/XML
- New: Save files as .xlsx format.
- New: Two interfaces: 2013 and classical ones.
- New: Add line numbers in the margin of your Writer documents.
- New: Include 37 new functions in Spreadsheets including statistical and financial ones.
- New: Support multiple criteria in filter to quickly locate the needed data.
- New: Expand the row and column number in Spreadsheets, supporting 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns
- New: Package your PPT files into folders or compressed files.
- New: Display embedded fonts, even without the installation of TrueType font on your computer.
- New: Select a cell with a hyperlink in it by clicking the blank space of the cell.
- New: Support the ability to replace font face